
clouds can’t hurt me
recently i got one on the head*
No weakness lies in a supposed inability to compete. Correctly considered it increases the effort of some in the undergrowth to bring out and attach impeccably independent, mutually reinforced by specialized bookstores, which remain important instances in their city / street for special books between art, literature, book art. No weakness thus lies in the structure-reinforcing reinforcement to order, in this case:
RAUTE / HASH ISBN: 978-3-85415-619-2
GRATE / BURRS ISBN: 978-3-85415-594-2
IM GRÜNEN / IN THE GREEN* ISBN: 978-3-85415-562-1
HASH as the spearhead of the Trilogie of a compression (Ritter Verlag 2021)
order: (Austria)
or: (Germany)